Major Series

Monday, June 29, 2015

6MMRPC: Failure

That was quick.  My 11 day family vacation combined with other things have stripped me of time to work on anything recently so I had no hobby post last week.  I did not buy any new models though so just need to get back to painting once I get my sleep schedule returned to normal.

Maybe that should be how I spend a Joker to cover my lack of hobby post last week as opposed to having bought some miniatures.


  1. It is good your mind was on painting what you have instead of adding to what you you have. You are in the right mind, get things in gear and get to painting.

    1. I got a nice reminder recently when looking at some storage bins for stuff that I could part with that I have way to many miniatures and use them not nearly enough.

  2. It's an interesting thought, that you could be penalized jokers as well as earn them.
    It is a bit unlikely that you (in the plural, all of us) will be able to post consistently once a week over 6 months without breaks from travel, holidays, vacation, etc though....unless you resort to pre writing and scheduled posts. Not sure that's enitrely in the spirit.

    1. I am really trying not to buy anything at all so I figured it was a way to use them.

  3. It's not a failure man, it's a tactical withdrawal!
