Major Series

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blood Bowl Fields

Here is a picture of the my three boards. Blood Bowl calls the field a pitch. So these are the standard blood bowl pitches. From left to right they are the second edition astrogranite board(styrofoam) with lines I painted in 20 years ago, the Krunch board(cardstock), the 3rd+ edition board (heavy card board). Krunch was a intro game the GW came out with at the same time as the SpaceFleet game. It is interesting to see how the board actually got bigger from 2nd to 3rd edition while actually having less spaces. The 2nd edition board has 25 mm spacing but 2 deep endzones. The templates for the game stayed the same so the larger board for 3rd edition made it a little harder on passing teams since the same distances corresponded to less spaces. The krunch board is actually 1 space narrower than the others.

Here is my dungeon bowl tiles laid out in a classic arrangement. Dungeon bowl was a great little expansion with traps, teleporters and exploding chests. It even had closeable doors and rules for passing off walls.


  1. Man I am so jealous. Those are great. Definitely make me want my own custom pitch as well as a better dungeon than the simple print outs I made from the dungeonbowl rules online at GW's site. Now get your old teams out, dust 'em off and play a game or two.

  2. The classic dungeon bowl tiles make defending a goal very hard since it is such a big place accessable from usually multiple paths. Fast teams really had an advantage.

  3. I really want to get a copy of dungeon bowl - Its the one BB game im missing from my collection - hopefully someone will bring on to this years bring and buy at salute! (although i've spent 3 years searching for it at Salute, so maybe i should just give up and buy one from ebay ;))
