Major Series

Friday, March 13, 2009

Starting them Young

My 2.5 year old examining daddy's recently assembled new toy. I used to be able to work at the kitchen island while she played but now she moves a chair over to watch and help. Since what I spend the most time on is cutting plastic and using superglue, she is not yet old enough to really be involved. I do have a set of Assault on Black Reach Orks for her to start painting soon though.


  1. Cute kid. There seem to be a lot of people getting their kids involved in GW here lately. I find it really interesting that there will be a generation that has had exposure to the hobby from such a young age. We may be raising the next generation of Golden Daemon painters!

  2. I posted this as a response to some of those other posts. Right now she likes the red rulers and dice the most. She is also very interested in why some people have hats and some do not. She has also let me know she prefers the based models with the rocks.

    I think getting your kids involved in activities you like is a good idea. You want to spend time with them but you can only read so many childrens stories and play dress up so much. While GW does have implicit violence it is certainly not graphic and the modeling which is actually most of the time spent can help with fine motor skills and the gaming part can help with logic and basic math.

  3. She certainly does like Daddy's toys!

  4. My girl is too young (8 months) to play with Daddy's toys, but we had a friend over with a 4 year old daughter. She saw a picture on our computer of a bunch of Orks that I had taken at a past game. She stared at the screen, turned to me and said, "Wow! Those look like fun!" Kids can definitely get into this game, I look forward to teaching my daughter.

  5. This doesn't have to do with this post exactly, but I had to ask your recipe for the purple on your Marines. It looks great, and I'm looking for good purple power armor recipes for my Chaos chapter.

  6. Josh, I usually base coat them by hand in slightly diluted Chaos back. Heavy drybrush the metal parts in boltgun and paint the armor pure liche purple. Usually coats is necessary. I just try to be clean so the black in the recesses show. I have no highlighting yet since I did not like the warlock purple(to pinky) and have not get a chance to mix up a liche/white yet.
