Major Series

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Is it wrong to ...?

Sometimes when I leave comments on people sites, I will mention a post of my own that is closely related. I will usually even provide the link. Generally I only do this when the topic is actually very related like we have converted the same type of model or the poster is planning on doing something like something I have already posted.

A couple of examples come to mind. Once someone was showing their homebuilt drop pods and calling them ghetto. They were actually pretty good so I provided a link to my really ghetto drop pods. Or more recently, someone was discussing converting a lizardman blood bowl team so I provided inka to a well converted one shown on warseer and my easy one from this blog.

Am I hijacking other peoples comments to get page views or am I providing the community with valuable information. I have yet to have any of the comments deleted and most of the time I get a return comment on the original post about how my post relates.

I do not do this often maybe 1 in 20 comments I leave but I am still wondering if it is ok.


  1. As long as it closely related (basically the same thing)... I don't have a problem with people doing it. It helps me find more cool stuff.

    Now the one's that are advertsing and the link isn't really helpful at all, that's another story.

  2. I agree with Ron. If the link you post has a direct correlation to the topic, by all means post it. If you are just posting to advertise your site, I would consider that bad form.

  3. Personally, I like to read the comments of others. At present I live in a pretty rural area without a local games stores. So the posts, comments, blog lists, hyper-links in tag lines and anything else someone wishes to post, keeps me connect to the community and hobby I greatly enjoy.

    So I agree with Cyborg Trucker, Equinox and Ron.

  4. I have no problem with it. I have found some very useful links that people have posted in comments on my blog as well as others. So like everyone else said, if it pertains to the subject link away!

  5. I have to agree with the previous posters. Links to other resources is probably one of the best ways I find new information. I just don't want to see some Beasts of Chaos link in a post pertaining to some Crimson Fists.

  6. its great when someone has posted something that everyone in the blogging community can take an interest, so if two people are doing similar things then yes, you should share it... its nice when you see something by someone and you know someone else has posted similar, then you, as an outside body can link the two!!

  7. You're not the kind of guy to ham it up by hijacking a post just for some extra time in the spotlight, I say don't worry about it. The fact that you even bring it up says where your intentions lie in the first place, and that comes through in your comments too. Link away...

  8. I think as long as its blazzey blah and here is a link to my site:

    couldnt resist :D

  9. No problems whatsoever there: you're trying to help out with related information, so that's great!

  10. One more nod of agreement from me. As long as it's on-topic, I'd say it's not only "all right" but "sharing information".

  11. That is what I thought. Seemed like something helpful to me but just wanted to get the communities feelings.
