Major Series

Friday, August 28, 2009

New Warhammer 40K Mission: Clear the Drop Site

New Warhammer 40K Mission: Clear the Drop Site

When battles are fierce, some units need to be resupplied from the air. To make this easier on the pilots and ships doing the dropping it is helpful to clear the area of enemies so the drop can be as on target as possible. While it is good to get resupplied it is often better to prevent your enemy from being resupplied as well. Who knows what alien technology maybe dropping to the ground?

Objective: This mission is a combination of kill points and objectives. The game starts with no objectives on the map. Kill points can only be earned in turns 1-3. Any unit that is fall back at the end of turn 3 that does not regroup during the game also counts as a kill point. At the beginning of turn 4 before anything else each player gets to deep strike their objective onto the board. The objectives will always scatter 2d6 – 2 *KP (number of kill points earned for destroyed and currently fallback units) so if a hit is rolled on the scatter die use the small arrow to determine the direction. A deepstrike mishap will only occur if the objective lands off the board, on impassable terrain, or on a terrain feature position not accessible by infantry. If a mishap occurs your opponent gets to choose the position to deepstrike of your objective at. The objective still always scatters 2d6 but this time the kill points do not matter. A second mishap allows the players whose objective it is to place it anywhere on the table without deepstriking it.

At the end of the battle, controlling your objective is worth 2 points while controlling your opponents is worth 4. This is added to the kill point total generated during the first 3 turns to determine the winner.

Special Rules: Reserves, Inflitrate, Outflank, Scout, Deep Strike.


  1. Sounds interesting... may have to give it a go.

  2. If you do let me know how it works for you. Tries to mix kill points and objectives in a new way. Where either route gets to the win.
