Major Series

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Blood Bowl League: Finals

Our little blood bowl league finished up the season recently. The league is small enough (4 coaches this season) to have a fixed schedule of playing every other coach twice. I finished the regular season 4-1-1 with a lose in my first game of the season against the Norse team and a tie vs the Nurgle Team in our second meeting. This made me the top seed in the playoffs with the Norse team at a 4-2 record, Nurgle at 3-2-1 and the Dark Elves at 0-6. The Dark elf team really ran into multiple problems. He was a pretty new player trying to get the hang of a tough team. He first played both the Norse and Nurgle teams and tried to bash them then having learned that did not work to well against them avoided bashing my skaven. By the end of the season he was starting to get the hang of the team but the low winnings and no fan factor improvements kept him down.

Since their are only 4 coaches everyone made the play offs. I as top seed was matched with the bottom seed. I won the close game 3-2 thanks to a timely blitz result on the kick off table allowing me to score on the opening kick off of the second half to him.

I then faced the Nurgle team in the finals. I was pretty sure I was going to lose this game since the other coach is a better player than I am and his Nurgle team has a lot more advancement than mine. The pivotal moment was probably the opening kickoff where he rolled a perfect defense allowing him to rearrange his frontline. All of my carefully arranged 2D blocks were removed and he tentacled up my gutter runner. I got some gutter runners free into the back field but his tackle mightly blow beastman were always able to get them down. I sent them out to piece mail and they were cut down.

He turned me over at like turn 6 but did not get the ball into the endzone so fist half was 0-0. Second half was a 8 turn slugfest were I did manage to dislodge the ball but did not recover it. He scored on turn 8 so I had to try the 1 turn score to win. Do to all the disturbng presences I tried the long bomb over them to a side stepping gutter runner who had made it to the endzone but the pass was intercepted. I would have missed the pass anyway. Should have done the short pass before the pushing probably to manage the risk between the runner and the thrower but I had used my reroll for the turn on a dodge to do some of the pushes. So I lost 0-1.

The next season will probably start after the holidays and we are getting some new coaches so we are discussing how to restart. Since I have so many teams I will probably try a new team but will not decide which until I hear what the rules will be and what the other teams are so I can be something no one else is.

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