Major Series

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Main Christmas Present

I have not gotten much hobby work done recently. The main reason is that I got Rock Band 2 as a Christmas present from my wife and daughter. I had Guitar Hero 3 before but found that the differences between what I was actually doing and the sounds from the game were almost distracting. I had played original Rock Band at a friends place a few months before getting Guitar Hero and enjoyed it more since I was able to play my natural instrument, the bass. Back like 15 years before 2 of the other 3 people I was playing with were in a garage band with me while the third we had played with a little. Having a real drummer playing the drums makes the game easier.

So I got the game mainly so I could play bass lines but also try out the drum kit as an impulse buy. The price was right during the holiday sales. My daughter was with us when we picked it up and wanted to see what it was about before Christmas so I showed her some of Guitar Hero but she became very concerned about the girls dancing in the cages so I stopped playing that.

I have enjoyed the game and also got Lego Rockband for its super easy mode with automatic kick drum so my daughter can play the drums with me. I have moved the diffeculty up to Hard for the base lines and find that I now need to actually make a decision about a consistant way to do the 5th note either by stretching out my pinky (tough to do 5 to 4 transitions) or going to second position. Currently I am doing a mixture on both but that leaves me often to lose track of my fingering. Also need to work on 2 finger strumming on the strum bar and decide one whether to use my guitar hero 3 controller or my rock band one. But that is starting to sound like real work.

I even managed to get my wife to play a few songs. She used to play electric guitar and says it is nothing like really playing. Ofcourse not, actually playing a guitar takes practice and they are trying to make something people can just pick up and have fun with.


  1. Brad, why on earth did you use that top picture, ER looks all goofy in it!

  2. I felt it captured her playing with abandon. Really rocking out and having fun.
