Major Series

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Blood Bowl: 2nd Edition Plastics

The Blood Bowl games during the second edition era came with plastic models to use for the teams. In Blood Bowl you got 16 humans and 16 orcs, Dungeonbowl had 16 dwarves and 16 elves, while krunch gave you some of all 4 to make up the two teams. We can see how they scaled the models. Orcs are the same size as humans and the elves are really thin. These dimensions did not translate to the metal lines.

The question of how to tell the positions apart was with ringed bases. These 4 all have basic gray lineman bases but in the picture below you can see on of the ringed bases on the Skaven blitzer, Red=Blitzers, White=Thrower, Green=Blocker, and Yellow=Catcher.


  1. I've got a bag of these Dwarves, they're so small and their beards are so slight you could probably use them as a Halfling team with no problems.

    Hmmmm, a Halfling team...

  2. I have a 16 dwarf team of those guys too. I never even thought of using them as halflings... Hmm - thanks Mik! LOL!!!

  3. Halflings are easy to come by it is the 3 tree men that make the team annoying. Just like my gobbos I really would not field the team since I have but 1 tree man in my collection.

  4. I had no idea these minis even existed, let alone the coloured rings for the bases. Thanks for the nostalgic tour.

  5. You know, there's a literal forest of Tree Men lurking about the MageKnight leftover bins, they're not huge models but they could work.

    Here's an older post of mine, but it has two MK treemen compared to a GW one. The height is way off but you can see one of them even has the same pose.

  6. Nice blog! I think the minis from my old Blood Bowl set may be stashed away in my dad's basement... along with the STYROFOAM "Astrogranite" pitch that came with my version... That was a pretty sweet piece of gear, as sweet as the minis were clunky!
