Major Series

Friday, July 15, 2011


I had a model disaster today. I was moving some of my gaming stuff stored in my garage to get better access to some of it. I left it a little to poorly balanced and both my blood bowl and epic storage containers fell over on their sides from a few feet of height. It add insult to injury they fell into my wife's car path and she did not see them until she hit the blood bowl one with here car. Luckily she was not going fast and did not crush the container. I had to rush off to work so I did not get a chance other than reposition the containers and put the individual boxes back in the tub.

I will have to inspect the contents tonight. Hopefully nothing worse than some disorganized models or models with limbs popped off.


  1. If they were painted I bet you would've taken better care of them ;-)

    :P I kid, hope nothing is too damaged.

  2. I am most concerned about my dungeon bowl box that has all the retro lead models essentially laying flat in 2 layers separated by some cotton film and cardbord platform. This box has a good number of big guys who could bounce around and break. Also in my Crunch box, I have my plastic lizardmen team on 1 side and metal big guys on the other separated by some foam. If these big guys got to the skinks it will be a massacre.

  3. Least it was not my space marine tub that has a megaforce box in it which is just solid standing infantry with a mix of metal and plastic.

  4. Only thing I found in the blood bowl tub was that 1 Khemri lost an arm but that GW team falls apart it you look at them funny.

  5. Oh gee I am so excited that THIS is how I get a mention on your blog!

  6. Time to get your wife a backup camera =)

  7. She was not backing up but in her defense they had fallen in such a way that with our drive way angle you are not going to see them before you hit them unless you are really paying attention and who is really paying attention when you are pulling into your garage that you just left an hour ago.
