Major Series

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Star Wars X-Wing Game + Legos?

So expanding on the earlier post about the idea of using my lego Star Wars collection with the new X-wing game. Now FFG seems to have designed it such that you need cards and other such so I will have to do a little more looking. You can see some of my ships above but to play the game with ships this size would appear to require a very large space. Might be something awesome to do at a CON with some sponsorship.

Then I remember I have some smaller lego ships which are probably a little bigger than the game ones and probably not very rigid in scale between them but would not require an entire empty building to play. These ships are often sold at registers at like 3.99 now.  I did not think of these at first since I only have 3 ships in this scale compared to like 10 in the normal minifigure scale.

One interesting point here is that these little ships actually make the Corvette about a proper scale if I remember correctly from seeing it near the starfighters during fleet scenes in return of the jedi. They also made a Midi Scale Falcon that I do not have that works very well in this scale. Adding small capatil ships as targets or support could be pretty cool.


  1. If you like when I get my copy of X-Wing to review Eriochrome I can let you know what you'll need and how plausible it all is.

  2. There's been a lot of buzz about this X-Wing game of which you speak, I may have to look further into it.

    No. I will not, my plate is full enough, I must resist. Nice Lego-porn though, but where are the A-Wings?

    1. I was talking about my crazy little idea and my wife said that I do not need anymore games.

  3. I've seen Aeronautica Imperialis played with 40k vehicles on a few occasions, and it worked just fine.

    Assuming it works in a similar manner all you need to do is get the cards and scale them up.

    1. Probably is better than using the 40k scale for that since the forgeworld flyers are both very expensive and breakable.

      Lego Star wars ships are only expensive and can be crashed by my daughter multiple times without any real damage.

  4. I just stumbled upon your site by reading one of your comments about Legos on Frontline Gamer. I am joyed you have a balanced mix of gaming and legos. I am now a follower of you. Just to let you know my wife and I both collect legos and possess a massive 50 to 100K + lego collection. Your lego posts really get me in the wanting to post about my collection

    1. Thanks for coming by. Lego interest picked up once my kids were old enough to play with them but not really old enough to be trusted with gaming materials. You really have to try to break Legos.

  5. Finally saw the game at my local target. The ships are pretty small probably 1/3 smaller than the minilego ships and means that for the normal lego ships probably 30-40 ft would be the board.

    Also really not impressed with the models. At the price point ($40.00) 3 ships is pretty weak but I am guessing that most of that overcost is the Lucas tax.
