Major Series

Friday, September 13, 2013

What's Your Number?

So after counting up my marines the other day, I was reminded how many unpainted models I have.  Pretty much all of everything is unpainted, most unprimed.  So I thought I might do a little addition to get an estimate of the pit I am in just in the 28 mm scale (ignore epic right now).  So starting with space marines and their vehicles that is 280 models.  My nids are probably 100.  I have my D&D Chainmail Collection with seven factions and say 15 models each so about 100 more there.  The new reaper bones models which when you add the kickstarter and the other ones I would say 250.  I have the 3 D&D coop games at about 40 models each so another 120.  Then there is the Space Hulk game which was about another 30.  Luckily I never got beyond touching on WFB so all that stuff is sold or for sale so I will not count it.  That leaves Blood Bowl.  My last count was like 46 teams which average like 14 players which comes out to about 640 more models.

That adds up to about 1500 models just in ~ 28 mm scale.  Oh my god.  I hope my wife does not read this post.  A few are painted but I am guess not more than my estimation errors.  That is a model a day for 5 years.  Maybe I go need to stick to X-Wing since those come painted.  I did recently pick up some brush on primer so I could give it a try as the weather here is never lines up when I have the time or interest to prime.  Just pick a model, prime it one day, then paint the next.

So What is Your Number?


  1. Haha that is a lot of models, i thought i had a lot of unpainted stuff with about 150 in 28mm.
    I am interested in how much you have in Epic?

    1. Thanks for giving me at least one comparison point. Since I have about 10 times what you have I think I will have to think of on a natural log scale. Does not seem as bad then.

      Epic is sort of hard to compare since they are small so maybe thinking of stands it might be 300. Thats is actually pretty small for epic since there is a lot of real hording there. You can have a playable team for every blood bowl race in about 300 models but just one epic race with the options to make the list can get up to 100 models/stands. Generally even it the high prices at the end you could get 30 stands of plastic infantry to 20 dollars.

  2. Ye mine is a drop in the ocean compared to your boatload of models. That will take a few hours/years to paint up.
    I have about the same number of Epic stands plus 40+ landraiders 50+rhinos a loaf of guard tanks and 8 warlord Titans.

    1. I will assume that those titans are old plastic beetle backs.

  3. The vampire set has plenty of minis to make it worth the 100 dollars. Lots of the monsters are definitely worth retail price of the minis provided you have a use for it. People who expected to get 240 finecast/metal quality models for 100 dollars were deluding themselves. Reaper clearly did hurt the quality of some of the molds with so many. The non kickstarter bones are generally better than the kickstarter ones.
