Major Series

Friday, February 21, 2014

Imperial Knight Kit is Weak Sauce

Yeah, you heard me, weak sauce.  The design is great, really large dreadnought bottom crossed with a beetle back titan/heresy terminator style.  But if GW has one thing their kits are know for it is an excess of plastic components.  The baneblade kit which is the same price can make 8 different tanks.  Here you get 2 weapon choices and 3 face guards.

The venerable dreadnought lists:  a plasma cannon, an assault cannon, a twin-linked lascannon, a heavy flamer, a storm bolter, two different power fists including an ornate one, and a set of smoke launchers. Also included are: two different sets of ornate leg guards, three different helmets, six purity seals, two different pennants, a range of different sarcophagus armour plates, several sarcophagus designs, and a host of Crux Terminatus and other Imperial icons.  So with that you can create 6 game affecting differences and about 12 body varients so that is 72 different dreadnoughts that could be built without any conversion work.  Here you get 6 or 8 if you include no mask.

For 140 dollars they definitely could have added another sprue with more game and aesthetic options.  Another ranged weapon and a claw plus some different leg guards, back plate, etc.


  1. I totally agree, for the price you should be getting a lot more.

    1. Kit probably would have been fine like 5 years ago priced at the same as the stompa and the original baneblade where GW could have been that it was the biggest kit ever done by them but now I just expect a little better job.

  2. Actually for me it's like that: I wanted an arm in there. Like a small reaver titan close combat weapon. Or at least make it possible to swap army (so it could get 2 battle cannons). but no - I won't be picking this up.

    1. Thanks for coming by. The epic paladin had two verisons, one with a chainsword and battle cannon and one with a fist and melta type weapon. Ofcourse if you make the chainsword a D-weapon not much you can do to make it better as a fist.

  3. My bet is that they wanted to prevent 3rd party retailers on ebay and what not from having a huge array of stuff to sell...

    1. Thanks for the reply. Not sure if that would be a decision on a big kit like this but GW works in mysterious and stupid ways so it is certainly possible.
