Major Series

Monday, February 24, 2014

Ofcourse Imperial Knights are Scoring and Not Lords of War

So I saw the notice this weekend that White Dwarf Weekly seems to think that facebook is the place to release rules they forgot to put in the magazine.  Well it is nice to see them include real rules for once.  So they said in this informal post that Imperial Knights count as scoring units and that they are not Lords of War like I think every other super heavy which gets into non Apocalypse games through the Escalation expansion (which is just the perfect name for that type of stuff).

I saw a comment that knowing that you can just drop them in with anyone who can take Allies currently and they score, and do not give anything back to your opponent that he would certainly get some.  That is of course the point of this.  GW already sacrificed any attempt at game balance to the alter of more model sales with flyers and allies in the first place.  No limit gaming is where they want to be.

Flyers for example opened an entire new class of models to force players who want to stay current to buy that are totally unnecessary to the game.  You want to know what a flyer who can hang around above of football field sized encounter area for more than a few seconds is called.  A skimmer.  The game has had those for like 2 decades already.  If you are moving high enough and fast enough above the ground to make hitting you are from the ground, guess what next turn you are gone and you probably will not be back since there are more parts of the front that need air support also.

Allies are just in general to friendly with each other.  Probably every single one of them needs to be moved down a level.  Imperial Guard and Space Marines probably would not even trust each other that much as both sides have probably left the other out to dry when it served their purpose.   Another thing to watch is allied HQ who give indirect army wide benefits (turn control and the such).

Knights seem to not be to over powered, they are pricey with limited if pretty deadly shooting.  They are hard to kill but their 13/12 armor with moveable shield is not as bad as it could be.  I am sure plenty of lists will have no problem with them even in 3 or 5.  But consider this.  Take your basic Starter Box marines, add in the strike force box.  That puts you about 300-400 dollars into the game.  You are at about the points cost of 3 knights and think you have a good little army going.  You face off against those 3 Knights on the battlefield and would probably be lucky to remove 1 before you are essentially tabled.  Now two things can happen here:  You get discouraged and give up or you flood a ton of more money into the game to compete.  I know which one GW wants. I am not sure if I agree.


  1. Well said. I am more wary of partaking in 40k every day.

    1. Thanks for coming by. I am sure it is still fine between friends in the basement over beers but I would hate to see what would happen to anything I could field at the events I see discussed online.

  2. I agree, Left 40k behind and now playing 3rd edition Fantasy.

    1. Thanks for the comment. Sounds like something in the basement with beer (or soda depending on the crowd)
