Major Series

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Look What the Postman Brought

I am weak.  I could not resist Dreamforge Games' sale a few weeks back.   28 mm Scale Leviathan Crusader for 75 dollars plus shipping seemed like a solid deal.  I had thought about getting one of each type plus an extra weapon but I think my wife would have killed me.  So I settled for just one.  The specs say that this stands 8.5 inches tall which places it about half way between a Games Workshop Imperial Knight Titan and a Forge World Warhound Titan.

Check out the Black Reach Sergeant model for scale.  This is a big box.  Check back later for pics of the stuff in the box as I do not have time right now to dig into it to much.


  1. Awesome I cant wait to see inside!

    1. I took a look and there is a good amount of plastic in there.

  2. That thing is huge!
    Looking forward to have a peek of its contents!

    1. I will get to writing it up when I have the chance. I got the pictures now.
