Major Series

Thursday, April 10, 2014

GW Online Now Pure Webstore: Specialist Games Disavowed

Well, when they stopped making the metal models it was pretty clear that the specialist games section of the GW website would not have much left.  With the new revamp it is totally gone, along with it all the rules and little bit of hobby/game play stuff that was listed.  I am sure various different places have it saved and it will continue to circulate in the grey areas of the internet but it is just sad that it is now gone like it never existed.

Interesting I really could not find anything on the GW site that was not pure webstore stuff.  Nothing that makes it seem that GW is a manufacturer who wants to support a community of players with great and inspiring content on how to use its products.  I guess you can find that in the 75 dollar compendiums now.

Interesting the kits that could make multiple different units now show up multiple times if you just look at the unit listings.  I liked how if you look at the guard section the first entries are all the variations on the baneblade which is the same kit.  I wonder if anyone has found the FAQs yet.  Maybe they are there, I just did not see them.


  1. Just like the Black Gobbo e-zine. GW has moved away from inspiring its players to just selling to consumers.

    1. I remember a few years ago they added some partial archive with old White Dwarf stuff but that did not last long.

  2. I think the Specialist Games are going to drop off and disappear, in all honesty. Man O War managed to get a lot of mentions over the years but it's not really played. It's sad to see them go, especially when your only option to play in the 40K universe is now the hugely overblown 6th edition.

  3. A few days ago someone out there suggested that "GW might have forgotten to upload Specialist Games stuff on the new web page, and perhaps they place them again when they actually look at what they have on-line ", but I believe that's more wishful thinking then a educated guess.
    It's sad. Just sad.

    1. I agree that is not very likely. But given that the webpage does not have the FAQs it is not impossible. GW has been rumored as getting a new site for a while so I assume it is not a rush job but people who do not actually play the game might not actually know what is important to have on your main page.
