Major Series

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

New Revised Edition Just in Time for End of Year

GW appears to have scheduled their new revision of 40K to ship just at the end of their fiscal year.  Previously they had been launching in the summer months so I can only really guess that this is an attempt to squeeze a few more dollars out of the shrinking player base to make this year look better.   I guess it is also getting about time to be looking for the price rise sheet.  GW got money out of me last summer with the closure of the specialist games lines but has not seen a penny since and mainline games go back more than a few years now with no purchases here (all the way back to a couple of months after the previous nid book came out last edition).  FFG with X-Wing and Lego are getting my funny money now.

The rules adjustments I have seen talked about does not really have any pull with me so whatever they call it I will still probably just watch semi interested from afar.


  1. It's like a car crash, hard to not look.

    1. Slow motion. Like a ocean liner and an iceberg. Can they turn in time? Not sure but if I had to guess I would say they were steering into the path.

  2. its been about five months since I played my last game of 40k, looks like it might be a lot longer till I play another one. 2 years for an edition? I am a fan boy but I can't get behind that. I am still playing some fantasy battle but using third edition. I am thinking I will go back to Rogue Trader if I want to play 40k.

    1. Most of the stuff I here just sounds like it is make sure everyone can play with whatever models they want as opposed to many core in game rule changes. So maybe 6.1
