Major Series

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Blood Bowl 2nd Edition Minotaurs

Here we have 2 additional minotaurs from the Blood Bowl 2nd Edition collection.  These are both single piece models and are of a pretty reasonable scale to actually use in the game without displacing to many near by models. 

That makes them different from this brute with his 2 pieces fills the 40 mm base quite significantly which is an issue when dealing with 28-29 mm squares.

Ofcourse the gameplay of the large monsters in Blood Bowl has changed a lot since this models were made.  Originally the big guys actually counted as more than 1 player for the 11 on the pitch limit and they had a blood lust rule where if they killed someone they were done for the drive if I remember.

I am currently thinking about whether to start saving up for a minotaur for my Chaos Dwarf league team.  Probably need another hobgoblin first but then I might get one.  He would push up my team value a ton though so might not be worth it at this point.  The league has a rule about treasury over  100K adding to team value so if I find myself with to much cash I could see myself using it for one then.  All depends on the hobgoblin attrition rate for the rest of the season.

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