Major Series

Saturday, July 25, 2015

6MMRPC: Success

I used the 6MMRPC as an extra willpower boost to not buy into the third reaper bones kickstarter.  Nice deal but I really do not need more random fantasy miniatures with no purpose.  It was tough, I watched it closer than was helpful for someone trying not to pledge but I made it.  Baby steps I know.


  1. Ah ha. I put a dollar in so I could get the VL artillery pieces half price. And there's a more than even chance that I'll pick up stuff for Inq28 type games.

    1. I thought about doing a dollar to get access to the big things but then I remembered all of my big things from the last two are unassembled, unpainted, and unused.

    2. I recognise that problem :)

  2. I am glad the challenge helped you to not back if its something you would have regretted. I used my joker (perhaps all my jokers?) for it. We use our miniatures for Pathfinder & D&D - the bones KSs have allowed us to create an amazing collection for our games. We do end up with minis we will never use for a game - but I usually give them to my god daughter to paint (she's 5) when she see me painting & wants to try. The other thing is that they have inspired my husband as a DM to try new things. "Oh, thats a cool model... maybe I could use that for xxx". It works for us - but everyone is different.
    Still, good on you for fighting temptation!

    1. If I used the ones I had or most of my miniatures it would be one thing but I do not. In the last year I have used maybe 18 different minis in blood bowl and about 15 or so testing Dungeon Saga rules. Not very good for having like 1200+ minis not including 6 mm scale epic stuff.
