Major Series

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Mantic Cannot Deliver Everything Promised in Kickstarter

Why do I always feeling like the contrarian? I am tough on everyone not just GW for people who might label me a GW hater.  Well Mantic let everyone know that shipping for Dungeon Saga Kickstarter has begun.  They expect everyone to get everything by December 7th and after them contact about not getting it.  They also noted that they were not able to actually get 3 of the promised Mini Campaigns done before the books had to go off to the printer so they will be released digitally in the near future.

Now this is ofcourse a minor issue and everyone wants the games to go out on time (or close as they are a couple of months late), but it was not want was listed as the stretch goals.  These campaigns are supposed to be in the kickstarter exclusive Dungeon Journal.  Back when the kickstarter was funding I was very active trying to get Mantic to be more specific about the included missions and rules and essentially had to complain to the Designer and compile the lists myself before the listings got updated.  They promised a lot of rules and missions for one talented independent contractor to make and it appears to be that they promised more than they could deliver.

I am sure I am not the only person you prefers my gaming stuff to be physical books and such.  This also hurts the value of the basic pledge since these were the missions that were supposed to put to use the bonus Orcs and Infernals plus Hero characters that are not used in the base game.  So you go from like 32 playable missions from the basic pledge without any addition purchases to about 20 due to this omission.  I would not be surprised if these mini campaigns each happened to appear about the time that heroes for them or tiles or something becomes available at retail just to give a little extra to its marketing effort.


  1. Sad news indeed. I was looking forward to the book having everything in it :(

    1. Just another small thing added to the list. I was also disappointed by the list of three dungeon critters in the book and was certainly expecting more.

      This information about it not being in the book should have been released on July 29th when they knew that it was not. That is like 3 months ago when they sent the last of the files to the printers unless they pulled it later. I would expect that at least one of those campaigns would be ready by now to release right when the kickstarters arrive to backers.

    2. I suspect you're right in that they will be released to coincide with the retail releases of things. Hopefully they will continue to release more, beyond those from the KS to add in stats for new enemies as models get released.

    3. If the adventurers companion is all that they promised people will not really need them to release new adventures so we will see.

  2. I find the terrible proof reading, unfinshed page references incorrect descriptions and the missing ranger profile in the dungeon companion equally villainous the fact I shelled out do a second copy of the journal because like you, I like physical copies of the missions is now just sad.

    1. I do not know about any of that stuff but you do seem to be keeping closer tabs on this than even I am. I am pretty sick of kickstarters at this point. Only pledge 1 dollar for the warpath one just to get the full digital rules.
