Major Series

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Overall Slann Color Scheme

Blizter is more brownish green with red eyes, lineman is a standard green, and catcher is a brighter green with yellow chest.  The Big Toad is probably going to be closer to brown on the back and lighter green on the chest.


  1. I like those colours. Got beaten by a Slann team in a competition once with these models. To be fair though, I was playing a Ogre team with all 6 OGREs and no retools so I was playing for fun! Match report here:

    PS I advent played an Ogre team since so my 1-1 record stands!

    1. Thanks for coming by. Hopefully your time here in the states is going well. Always retire a team if they win their first match. They are then have a perfect match record forever,
