Major Series

Monday, February 22, 2016

Seriously GW a 165 Dollar Boardgame

So the new GW boardgame is coming and the rumor mill says it is priced at 165 dollars.  That is pretty steep.  People are saying it is such a value since just the monopose Marines are worth like 275 dollars.  I disagree with that assessment.  Just because GW charges 30 dollars for single pose marine characters does not make that the price when bundled into a game.  Even a moderate selling game would out strip the sales numbers of all of them as individuals which spreads the tooling costs.  At first I saw the images and was interested.  Might be a fun game and maybe those cultists could get other uses some day but not being deeply involved in GW anymore I cannot count that possible us as part of the cost.  For me it is a 6 mission stand alone boardgame which could be interesting a reasonable price.  Then I saw the rumored price and was like no.  Even at 20% off it is not even close to 100 dollar level which is normally my cut off for just buying stuff.  Pretty much if I want it, I would have to buy it now and sit on it until the summer when my birthday is.  Maybe I am just to cheap or poor now for this stuff but I do not think that is the case.

I think GW is too in love with pretty models.  I think this will see great to existing fan boys but will not do much for former or possibly new customers at that price point.  GW had a hit release in the fall with the Horus Heresy so much so that they raised its price after preorders and have essentially raised it again with this release.  I will note though that they report disappointing earnings for the last half year even with that.  GW is still trying to squeeze more money out of the die hards without really thinking about bringing back others.  While they are targeting toy stores now with some things that is a very crowded space and they will probably not gain much traction there with what they are offering.

This makes me very scared about the price point for the Blood Bowl game.  If this one sells well which it will as it gives people cults which they have been after for a while and is 40K based then next one will be 175.


  1. Have to admit - without even knowing the price I knew I was going to order this as soon as I saw the hybrid models. They will look amazing next to the space hulk genestealers from the latest box and I have two sets of the boxes rules/boards/chits, etc. and have been waiting to add hybrids via updating a set of the tokens.

    Do have to admit - I am not new, although I have been selling a lot of my GW stuff. These figures look too good for me to avoid though.

    1. But that sort of makes your choir in this case, buddy sorry to say. Cannot build your congregation preaching to the choir. GW classic board games were not about the awesome minis. It was about solid games that brought you into their worlds and introduced them in acceptable levels of purchase. Once you are in then the bigger games.

    2. Totally agreed was just admitting to it...

    3. If you compare it to 40K pricing, then about 50 minis for 165 is pretty good at 3.21 or so per piece. Honestly very good, but if you are not using them for 40K and might just be interested in the boardgame aspect it is a pretty high level to get started. As I note it makes me very concerned for Blood bowl next year which will not have the other game use value but still be priced the same or more at this rate.

  2. dont worrie..... i bet in a few months people will be selling this on a cheap just to get rid of the stock. Like it has happen with AOS or execusion force.

    Only so many people keep not voteing with their wallet.
    Soon retailers will go broke or sell these sets on a cheap just to cut corners.

    1. btw i saw the Calth box 120,-€ retail go for 85,-€ a few weeks ago. 35% discount.
      Just wait... the hobby is smaller than you think these days.

    2. Back when AoS came out we were offered a very solid deal for some by a connection of someone in our blood bowl league. Still to expensive for me since in that case I did not like the game or the models.

      I currently do not get out to stores often enough to watch for sales.

    3. If youre from the US maybe check
      out.... you have high shipping but if youre buying 2-300 its balances out.

      Yeah the older boxes were better deals.
      But thats GW priceing.
      Los in sales is substituted with higher prices.
