Major Series

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Impact! Miniatures Brings Classic Rolljordan Back to the Pitch

Impact! Miniatures is running a kickstarter to get two classic Roll Jordan Fantasy Football Teams converted to their Trollcast Resin.  The first team is the Frog man team whose metal versions I am using in the league right now.  There are some new blitzer models to better mark them as different from the line and and sideline figures.  The second is the Silvania Elf team which look like lovely models but are a little more sexy than I would like in my fantasy football teams.  I have noted in the past it is very hard to find a reasonably clad and styled female team.  Base teams are a very reasonable 50 for full rosters with big guys (or gals).  Sideline/star packs are like 24 for those 8 models.  Might get a Frog sideline pack myself, since I do like my frog models.

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