Major Series

Monday, August 23, 2021

40K Math Team: Space Marine Intercessors


Now I am a dedicated First Born player, so I stay away from Primaris lines but the very first data card from the Compendium is the Space Marine Intercessor who has 3 options for a ranged weapon.  They all share the same Bolter Standard Stat line of 4 Attack Dice BS: 3+  and Damage: 3/4 so the only thing changing is the special rules.  So the test here is just the average wounds inflicted vs Armor Save.  The basic bolter is included for reference as other weapons also have this basic stat line.  First noteworthy thing is that the Auto Bolt Rifle is almost uniformly better than the Bolt Rifle.  Only at 2+ saves does it any advantage and would generally not be worth having on your team or in your roster most of the time.

The Stalker Bolt Rifle starts to show its value once you get to 3+ and 2+ save targets but since it is Heavy which restricts the very much needed movement for a team with only 5 models and 3 APL.  One might place 1 or 2 into the roster incase you are fighting models with excellent saves.

Adding in Cover keeps the stories pretty much the same.  Only on Save values of 3+ and 2+ does the Stalker have value and then it might not be enough to have a heavy ruled weapon.

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