Major Series

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Painted A Mini

I have started painting my Slann Team for the next league season.  This is the second trial model but the one taken the farthest.  The first ones skin base coat was to light as was the metallic parts.  I might try to hit it with some was to see what it does. 

This one still needs some work as the flash makes the model look lighter than it is.   Nothing fancy but given that I have not really painted anything in a few years it is a start.  Probably give the bone a wash then re-highlight.


  1. really feel slann teams are great for painting with washes.
    don't want to discourage you though - this is the first painted miniature I've seen you post (during the painting process - I think all your painting was done before I found your blog)

    colour scheme is nice - don't worry too much about all the details - get the team done to this standard and then you can re-assess and take it another step further later. :)

    1. I think I have probably painted about 5 minis in the 6 years of the blog. I am working with some washes for these guys. I have not really used them much before.

    2. I mean full on washes only - check out this thread for some ideas of what I mean. warseer thread

    3. That does seem like a good idea. I did already basecoat them black so that might be tough now though.

  2. Great start! Looking forward to seeing these guys next season.

    1. About 4 and half months is how long it will probably take me to paint the team. So they should be ready.

  3. Be careful, you might catch the painting bug. :)

    1. My current goal is to paint one model a week. At that rate I could get through my blood bowl collection by the time my 3 year old graduates from high school.

    2. Perfect graduation present! :)
