Major Series

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New 40K Mission Deployment: Line Breakers

I have been continuing my work trying to come up with some new missions and deployments to supplement the main rulebook ones since the 9 total combinations are pretty limited. Here is a new deployment type called Line Breakers:

Line Breakers Deployment:

In some battles, the armies are just trying to hold their ground while waiting for those critical reinforcements to drive back the opponent. Night is approaching so it they do not get here soon the battle could get bloody.

Divide the Board into 2 halfs the long way. Player going first can choose which long edge is his deployment edge. Player going first deploys first. He may deploy his units anywhere within 15 inches of his deployment edge.

Players must deploy all of their troops and heavy support choices that do not have a special deployment rule(inflitrate, deepstrike, scout used to outflank, etc.). The player must place all HQ, Elite, and Fast Attack Choices into reserves. Players then alternate placing inflitrators(only troop or heavy support) and making scout moves.

Special Rules: Reserves, Inflitrate, Scout, Deepstrike, Outflank, Nightfighting for Turn 6+, Not in the First Wave.

Not in the First Wave: Armies which have special deployment rules which allow units to enter the game from reserves on turn 1 can only apply this rule to troops and heavy support choices. If the rule involves half of a group entering play in first turn like Deathwing or Drop Pod assault then that half must be troop or heavy support choices. If you do not have enough troops or heavy support choices to fill the required half, the remaining first turn reserve entry slots are lost. A Daemon army will be split into half containing only troops and heavy support and the other half the remainder. If the army is more than half troops and heavy support extra heavy support units go into the second wave before troops units. If half the army cannot be made with just troops and heavy support then all troops and heavy support enter on turn 1 with the remainder arriving from reserves later.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I'm liking these dude. Maybe create a little pager for each, could put them into a deployment cheat sheet.
