Major Series

Monday, August 17, 2009

Space Hulk: To Buy or Not To Buy

Now if you are a GW player and do not know that GW is issuing a new Space Hulk game in some type of limited format after todays announcement you probably do not follow GW very closely. I do not have to tell you what is in it that is up on their site.

I am thinking about whether I should get it. Do I want it? Yes. Ofcourse. The mini's look cool and I have always heard good things about the classic game. The board game nature is fine with me so what is my problem. I think my problem is that I look at it and wonder more about whether I need it, not do I want it. I certainly do not need it as a life or death matter but that is not really what I mean. The minis will be hard to integrate into existing armies so I would probably just leave them with the game. While some more stealers would be nice in the end I still have 14 unassebled ones left from the assault brood box. I have 25+ termis once I finish that last set from Assault on Black Reach so I am not short on those either. I essentially have verisons of all the minis in the box at a level which I need for 40K so I would really be buying it for the game.

Will I ever get a chance to actually play it enough to justify the 100 dollar price? How many games will that take. Maybe 5-10 plays at 2 hours a piece. While that would be easy for a lot of people, I really do not get to play very much of anything. My wife wants nothing to do with this stuff. My daughter is to young. I only get out to the gaming store events every couple of months so playing games there is not going to happen. I already have a small Blood Bowl League that it is tough to get the games scheduled for. I have a huge number of projects to work on at home.

Do I have space in my life to actually play this game? I have spent plenty of money in my life on games rarely or never played. I have Battle for Skull Pass, some extra dwarf characters and slayers, the Dwarf army book, the Ork Goblin Army book, the hard cover rulebook. Have I ever come even close to playing a game of regular Warhammer. No. Would that money be better spent on other things or saved for the future, certainly. Is this another case of wanting a game that I will never actually play. Probably. Do I still want it? Yes. Will I buy it? Probably depends on whether my local independent can hook me up with a copy. I try to never buy from GW directly. My local store can get me whatever I want cheaper and without an inane workers trying to upsell me on what ever is new.


  1. If I had the cash, yeah, I'd pick it up in a heartbeat. But, I'm lucky in that I have a large group of players that meet regularly, we'd get use out of it. The fact that it's 'limited edition' makes my blood boil.

    It sounds like you have many, many valid reasons to *not* pick it up. Pretty convincing stuff actually. However, it does look like fun...

  2. Don't treat Space Hulk as an opportunity to get some cheap Terminators/Genestealers. Instead, treat it as the opportunity to get a game filled with win and nostalgia.

  3. I think thats a very good analysis of how I feel. If i'd been 10 years younger and still at uni i would have bought it in a heartbeat (and immediately going in to debt to do so!). Now that i have the money to afford it, I dont have the time to enjoy it. Guess thats the story of life really....

  4. Maybe you should consider it as part of a long term investment. If it is indeed limited run it will sell on for more in a couple of years time (just look on ebay for any limited edition GW stuff and see the upmarking that goes on price wise!). Luckily for me my son is just getting started in the hobby and after playing Space Crusade regularly with him for a while Space Hulk will make a very welcome addition to our evenings! :)

  5. Elazar, the problem is that I am not one to part with things once I get them and am also unlikely to go through ebay to sell them as that requires effort. Usually my unwanted gaming stuff is pretty much unwanted by anyone so I just give it away.

  6. My FLGS did not really know about how many he was getting or what price he was going to charge yet so I will wait and see.

  7. I'm completely in the same frame of mind with you... The game looks great, the minis look great...I want it...but will I have any time to play it? That's the question. The answer is, "probably, but not very much."

  8. It also does not really help that I just told my wife that we need to cut back the spending on non required things plus I have that not buying anything until I have some stuff painted goal. If I get it, I will probably have to place it in the closet until Christmas.

  9. I broke down and told my FLGS to get me a copy. Just need to go down and prepay. I just could not resist as the pictures of those really great stealers and termis kept showing up.
