Major Series

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Welcome Faeit 212 Readers

So Natfka was nice enough to add me to his blog roll and list my blog as a new member in a post.  So a nice thank you to him for that.  If you are coming here for the first time you will find that I am a long time GW game player currently in recovery from 40K and fighting being drawn back in by the new Space Marine Codex.  I started with GW games with Blood Bowl, Dark Future, and Space Marine (Epic Mark 1)  in the late 80's and picked up 40K in about 05.  I am probably foremost a collector of things and you can find pages highlighting my Blood Bowl and Epic Collections in the right column.  I also have a series of posts studying the probabilities in the Space Hulk Board game there.  You will also find a many posts on Legos and recent the new Reaper Bones models as I slowly go through my kickstarter rewards from that.

In terms of 40K stuff and miniatures, I just did a post highlighting my top 5 kitbashed marines in honor of the new codex which is a good place to start.

Thanks for coming by and why not take a second to leave a comment on some post if you check it out.  I do not even have those funky are you a human tests to slow you down.


  1. nice work going on here keep it up added you to my blog roll at
    El Reevo

  2. . I do not even have those funky are you a human tests to slow you down.
    Fantastic! I hate those

    1. Not really a spam problem right now. I used to get some spam comments a few years ago but none recently.
