Major Series

Monday, October 14, 2013

Reaper Prepares another Expansion for Bones II Kickstarter

Reaper has added a second 50 dollar expansion option to their kickstarter.  This one seems to have more unlocking levels and is set to start at a funding level at a faster pace than they had been using.  The additional unlock levels from 3 for the first to 5 for the second probably allows them to have lower spacings and makes it seem more exciting without really changing the number of minis in the final set.  I would guess that they want Expansions 1 and 2 to end up pretty similar in value since people officially decide later what they actually want later.

I talked about the rates of unlocks in previous post.  The addition of this expansion was expected in that post which seem to indicate that Reaper was not targetting the same level of basic reward this time.  It has been like a week since that post and they have only added like one or two more groups to the basic set.  I expect the rate of growth to stay pretty flat baring any major announcements until the last day or two where I expect it to pick up again as fence sitters like me must decide what to do.

Reaper posted data on how they spent the first kickstarter money and the "margin" was pretty low but I am guessing that hidden in those numbers are the capital production equipment that they purchased and the cost of the models that they are currently stocking in the webstore and sending out to retail outlets.  I do not know for sure they are doing that in those numbers but I would not be surprised.  They could not do that for tax purposed or general accounting purposes but this figure is just self reporting.

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