Major Series

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

5th Anniversary Giveaway Prize Option: Warhammer 40K Space Marine Scout Bike

Today we show off the last of the prizes in my 5th Anniversary Giveaway, a Warhammer 40K Space Marine Scout Bike.  Originally I had planned on using these pieces for a custom bike for Khan in a planned Biker army but that never got off the ground.  I also got the kit for the shotgun arm which I used on my powerfist/shotgun scout sergeant.  All you have to do to enter is leave a worthwhile comment on a post of mine that has no comments.  You can earn a second entry by leaving a meaningful comment on any older post on any gaming site that does not have any comments.  If you do both and are selected as a winner you can pick two things from the pool as I detailed earlier.

You can see more of the prizes in the original announcement post here. Today is the last day to enter with last entries accepted at Midnight US EST.

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