Major Series

Friday, December 6, 2013

5th Anniversary Giveaway Prize Option: Chainmail Dwarf Shock Troop and Scorcher

Today we show off another option for the prizes in my 5th Anniversary Giveaway which is another set of Chainmail Dwarves.  You get 2 dwarves from the chainmail line.  If I remember correctly the guy with the gun was a shock trooper and the other is a scorcher.  These are part of the initial release.  All you have to do to enter is leave a worthwhile comment on a post of mine that has no comments.  You can earn a second entry by leaving a meaningful comment on any older post on any gaming site that does not have any comments.  If you do both and are selected as a winner you can pick two things from the pool as I detailed yesterday.

You can see more of the prizes in the original announcement post here.

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